UNWTO: Provision of information at the Civil Society
We appreciate much the approach of the OMT (UNWTO = United Nations World Tourism Organisation) to have agreed to place at our disposal this important publication:
A Guide for Policy Makers”
UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
33-43 Quai André Citroën
75739 Paris CEDEX 15, France
Tél. : +33 14 4371450, Fax : +33 1 44371474
E-mail : unep.tie@unep.fr
UNWTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization
Capitán Haya 42.280200 Madrid, Spain
Tél: +34 91 5678100, Fax: +34 91 571 3733
E-mail: omt@omt.org
UNEP and UNWTO, 2005
Although the UNWTO does not have yet sufficient means compared to the other institutions of the system of the United Nations, all loads CIF (Costs, Insurance, Fret) were endorsed by it - to even allow us as Actors, to have information.
The OMT (World Organization of Tourism) had also done it within the framework of the regional Consultations for Africa on the sexual exploitation of the children in tourism in 2003. All the participants received a letter (by all the existing ways of mail) of thanks and information to these acts.
In theory, Resolution 47/123 on the Right to the development, adopted by the General meeting of the United Nations to her forty-seventh session (Réf: Resolution 47/123, Right to the development, New York, UNO, 1993) is quite precise on the Right to the participation: "All the people and all the people have right to a" participation active, free and significant with the development "(preamble) and" to contribute to a development economic, social, cultural and political "(article first)..."
The objectives of a Sustainable Development and a constant World sustained Economic Growth imply a holistic approach and a strategy of world partnership.
Initiative ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism - Eliminating Poverty/UNWTO) in the field of Sustainable Tourism and the reduction of poverty is to be appreciated. We will not fail to advisedly use the contents of this publication UNEP/UNWTO 2005.
We cannot finish without making a mention particular to the GENDER. With this woman, Mrs. Z Yakovleva Office of the Conferences/UNWTO which regularly checks the good reception of information.
NB: This translation of French with english is purely personal
Mr. Babacar NDIAYE
Freelance Consultant
World Civil Society
E-mail: worldleadership_2000@yahoo.fr
A Guide for Policy Makers”
UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
33-43 Quai André Citroën
75739 Paris CEDEX 15, France
Tél. : +33 14 4371450, Fax : +33 1 44371474
E-mail : unep.tie@unep.fr
UNWTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization
Capitán Haya 42.280200 Madrid, Spain
Tél: +34 91 5678100, Fax: +34 91 571 3733
E-mail: omt@omt.org
UNEP and UNWTO, 2005
Although the UNWTO does not have yet sufficient means compared to the other institutions of the system of the United Nations, all loads CIF (Costs, Insurance, Fret) were endorsed by it - to even allow us as Actors, to have information.
The OMT (World Organization of Tourism) had also done it within the framework of the regional Consultations for Africa on the sexual exploitation of the children in tourism in 2003. All the participants received a letter (by all the existing ways of mail) of thanks and information to these acts.
In theory, Resolution 47/123 on the Right to the development, adopted by the General meeting of the United Nations to her forty-seventh session (Réf: Resolution 47/123, Right to the development, New York, UNO, 1993) is quite precise on the Right to the participation: "All the people and all the people have right to a" participation active, free and significant with the development "(preamble) and" to contribute to a development economic, social, cultural and political "(article first)..."
The objectives of a Sustainable Development and a constant World sustained Economic Growth imply a holistic approach and a strategy of world partnership.
Initiative ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism - Eliminating Poverty/UNWTO) in the field of Sustainable Tourism and the reduction of poverty is to be appreciated. We will not fail to advisedly use the contents of this publication UNEP/UNWTO 2005.
We cannot finish without making a mention particular to the GENDER. With this woman, Mrs. Z Yakovleva Office of the Conferences/UNWTO which regularly checks the good reception of information.
NB: This translation of French with english is purely personal
Mr. Babacar NDIAYE
Freelance Consultant
World Civil Society
E-mail: worldleadership_2000@yahoo.fr
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