Moderation: the idea of "Civil Society" sight under the angle of the UNDP
As citizen of the world, I can only bring one moderating approach, on the idea of “Civil Society" seen by the UNDP. In my participations on the questions of Sustainable Development and Sustained Economic Growth (DD/CES), I always attach a great importance on cultural diversity and the cultural transversality.
Thus the UNDP defines “Civil Society”:
“As the space between family, market, and state; it consists of non-profit organizations and special interest groups, either formal or informal, working to improve the lives of their constituents. Civil society organizations (CSOs) include local and international organizations, business and professional associations, chambers of commerce, groups of parliamentarians, media, and policy development and research institutes. As such, the economy, the state, religion, science, the family and community – each differentiated sphere of activity is a defining characteristic of modern civil society. It is exhibited by ‘public opinion’ and patterned by a set of institutions with distinctive practices like civility, equality, criticism, and respect. ” “human rights conventions affirm that all people are entitled to participate in government, either directly or through freely chosen representatives. Civic engagement, though an end in itself, can contribute to better governance by improvising accountability and transparency in government by monitoring the delivery of development resources.”
Source: UNDP – Evaluation Office
ESSENTIALS – N°8 October 2002
UNDP Practice Area: Democratic governance
Synthesis of Lessons Leaned
For the AVIAN FLU in West Africa, there are not a systemic and systemal dynamism on the exchanges of information between the various actors. Although I took part in work of the PACE (African Program of Control of Epizooties - African Union/European Union in 2004) and the 5th African Meetings of Biotechnology (ASSITEB = International association of the Technicians Biologists in 2004). It is much easier to me to exchange with the temporary Secretariat in Australia on the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels.
I believe that these indicatives could help you in the projects and programmes of poverty reduction.
Mr Babacar NDIAYE
Freelance Consultant DD/CES
E-fax: +33 8 26 41 53 36
Tél. : +221 5394735
Adresse : BP 37171 Dakar / Sénégal
Thus the UNDP defines “Civil Society”:
“As the space between family, market, and state; it consists of non-profit organizations and special interest groups, either formal or informal, working to improve the lives of their constituents. Civil society organizations (CSOs) include local and international organizations, business and professional associations, chambers of commerce, groups of parliamentarians, media, and policy development and research institutes. As such, the economy, the state, religion, science, the family and community – each differentiated sphere of activity is a defining characteristic of modern civil society. It is exhibited by ‘public opinion’ and patterned by a set of institutions with distinctive practices like civility, equality, criticism, and respect. ” “human rights conventions affirm that all people are entitled to participate in government, either directly or through freely chosen representatives. Civic engagement, though an end in itself, can contribute to better governance by improvising accountability and transparency in government by monitoring the delivery of development resources.”
Source: UNDP – Evaluation Office
ESSENTIALS – N°8 October 2002
UNDP Practice Area: Democratic governance
Synthesis of Lessons Leaned
For the AVIAN FLU in West Africa, there are not a systemic and systemal dynamism on the exchanges of information between the various actors. Although I took part in work of the PACE (African Program of Control of Epizooties - African Union/European Union in 2004) and the 5th African Meetings of Biotechnology (ASSITEB = International association of the Technicians Biologists in 2004). It is much easier to me to exchange with the temporary Secretariat in Australia on the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels.
I believe that these indicatives could help you in the projects and programmes of poverty reduction.
Mr Babacar NDIAYE
Freelance Consultant DD/CES
E-fax: +33 8 26 41 53 36
Tél. : +221 5394735
Adresse : BP 37171 Dakar / Sénégal