1st Case study: The referential of competences
The majority of large companies prepared their own handbook or guide internal accounting method. And yet in personal management of competences, you can see graduate or post-graduate of accountancy? By drawing up this handbook of internal accountancy in a national company of electricity, higher cost money in personal training were saved. In addition, even personal executive finds a facility in there to be driven. In Africa, there are still enormous difficulties of harmonization of laws of the businesses.
2nd Case study: “The Babacar1ndiaye Model”
Why the majority of theories in Human Resources knew a failure in the applications to the human person? Why a Japanese multinational doubled its sales turnover by naming a surgeon Director of the international operations? American was very early a success in this field by integrating the Pedagogy of One / One. “The Babacar1ndiaye Model” is operational curriculum, systemic and systemal. Each failure with an application is maximalizing in applied functional research.
3rd Case study: Constructive Strategy
Is the expertise logic always guarantying the adhesion of the various partners and actors? Doesn't the project logic present limits in time? Doesn't strategic logic have an advantage in its heterogeneous character? The operational curriculum “The Babacar1ndiaye Model” largely exceeded these considerations.
4th Case study: Procedures of resolution
That it is on the level of United Nations System, government and intergovernmental agencies, regional and interregional organizations, specific procedures are applicable to their operation. No candidate can solve as a preliminary the requirements with a position of employment. One would need procedures of special engagement of the company to allow you to exert. Babacar NDIAYE’s ANS Norms / Competences. (…)
5th Case study: Bank - finance
Just about the years 1980-1990, it was possible in London, after to have finished the secondary cycle (O level and A level) to start a career in a back office in the stock exchange and financial companies. « A 28 ans, Nicholas affichait fièrement sa réussite. Fils d’un plâtrier de la banlieue londonienne, (…). Ses études secondaires à peine terminées, il s’infiltre dans un back office, c’est-a dire un service de gestion administrative des titres, avant de décrocher un poste d’operateur en Bourse à la célèbre Barings. Son rêve se réalise enfin en 1992, il obtient une mutation à Singapour, avec de vraies responsabilités de trader (…).» Is it always possible to have this chance for us, the present generations?